Gymnodoris aurita
(Gould, 1852)
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Gymnodorididae
Wide tropical Indo-West Pacific distribution
North side of North Solitary Island, off Coffs Harbour, NSW, 29º55.75'S, 153º23.5'E, 9m, 22 February 1988, on brown branched soft coral, 1 specimen 71mm long, alive, AM C155648,
This large gymnodorid is characterised externally by its bright red colour, low rounded yellowish pustules, yellow rhinophores, yellow border to the foot, and large gills. Originally described from Fiji, I have specimens from Fiji, New Caledonia and Tanzania. Combined with Gosliner & Behren's records (1997) it suggests this species has a wide Indo-West Pacific distribution. It grows to at least 90 mm in length.
- Gosliner, T.M. & Behrens, D.W. (1997) Description of four new species of phanerobranch dorids (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) from the Indo-Pacific, with a redescription of Gymnodoris aurita (Gould, 1852). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 49(9): 287-308.
- Gould, A.A. (1852) United States Exploring Expedition during the Years 1838‑1842. Mollusca & Shells, 12: 1‑510. (with Atlas of Plates, 1856).
Rudman, W.B., 2006 (April 25) Gymnodoris aurita (Gould, 1852). [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/gymnauri
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