Unidentified Indo-West Pacific species

Family: Haminoeidae

Even with a good photo of the shell it is almost impossible to name tropical Indo-West Pacific species of Haminoea with any certainty at present, especially when they are coloured with grey and brown mottling. Unfortunately, most species of Haminoea were named from empty shells, and while we have been able to sort out some species, such as Haminoea zelandiae, simply because only one species of Haminoea is found in New Zealand, the same can't be said of species which were named from parts of the tropical Indo-West Pacific.

My feeling is that the names of these tropical species of Haminoea can only be resolved by a comprehensive revision. It will need someone to look at the anatomy, external features of the living animals, and shell morphology, to find out how many species there really are, and then try and fit these 'species' with the old names and shells.

This page is for unidentified Indo-West Pacific species.

Authorship details
Rudman, W.B., 2007 (August 12) Haminoea Unidentified Indo-West Pacific species. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/hamiiwp

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