Phyllidiella cooraburrama from Fiji

July 17, 2003
From: Mary Jane Adams

Hi Bill,
Here are a couple of candidates for Phyllidiella cooraburrama. They are both from from North Save a Tack Passage, Namena Island, Fiji.

The upper one was about 22mm long and about 18 meters deep. I photographed it on May 17, 2003. It seems to be enjoying a meal of orange sponge.

The lower one was about 24mm long and 21 meters deep. I shot it on May 18, 2003.

Best regards,
Mary Jane

Adams, M.J., 2003 (Jul 17) Phyllidiella cooraburrama from Fiji. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Mary Jane,
I'm pretty sure these are Phyllidiella cooraburrama. As I said about your photo from Truk Lagoon, the combination of characters are fairly unique.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2003 (Jul 17). Comment on Phyllidiella cooraburrama from Fiji by Mary Jane Adams. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

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