Chromodoris joshi from the Philippines
September 3, 1999
From: Erwin Koehler

This photo was taken by Udo Jansen, Duisburg, Germany,
at "Sinan Digan", Mindoro Is., Philippines, July 18, 1999, size 45 mm, depth 20 m
Can you identify it?
Koehler, E, 1999 (Sep 3) Chromodoris joshi from the Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Erwin & Udo,
This is Chromodoris joshi. Its most characteristic feature, separating from other black lined species is the mottled white blotches all over the mantle. In this photo, which is a bit overexposed, the white blotches can only be clearly seen in the shaded region below the gills.
Bill Rudman.
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