Re: Elysia abei from the Japan Sea

September 23, 1999
From: Cynthia Trowbridge

Dear Shigeru Hayashi,

I am extremely interested to see your photos of Elysia abei. I have been trying to learn the Japanese species of sacoglossans after visiting with Dr. Yoshi Hirano and his wife at Kominato Marine Lab in July. In your message, you mentioned the second edition of Baba's book on Opisthobranchs; I would be very grateful to learn of the full citation of the work. Also, if your group had a colour photo of E. atroviridis, could you send one to the Forum please? I would be particularly interested in seeing what that species looks like when alive. Thank you!


Cynthia Trowbridge

Trowbridge, C., 1999 (Sep 23) Re: Elysia abei from the Japan Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Cynthia,
It would certainly be very useful to see some photos of even the most common Japanese sacoglossans.

Concerning Baba's Second Edition. It is a boxed set containing facsimile copies of Sagami Bay, 1949, and the 1955 Supplement. There is a list (but no discussion) at the back of each volume where Baba compares his original nomenclature with that which he considers appropriate today. I have just looked through our copy and can't find an appropriate citation for the facsimile edition, though it may be in the Japanese section. The publisher, Iwanami Shoten, is the same.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.


Elysia abei

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