Koh's Elysia is Elysia atroviridis

June 17, 2005
From: Atsushi Ono

Dear Bill and Kathe,
Concerning messages #14009, #13963. #14054:
I think that Koh's elysiid looks like Elysia atroviridis Baba, 1955. E. atroviridis is found throughout Japan ,except in Hokkaido and Okinawa.

Please refer to:  Baba, K. (1955). Opisthobranchia of Sagami Bay, Supplement. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.

Atsushi Ono


Ono, A., 2005 (Jun 17) Koh's Elysia is Elysia atroviridis. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/14073

Dear Atsushi,
Thanks for this comment. This species was described by Baba without a colour illustration so it sometimes difficult for us without a personal knowledge of the Japanese fauna to re-identify some of his species. After doing a quick search I see that the species which is commonly recognised as E. atroviridis is identical to Koh's photos. This of course raises the question of whether Elysia flavomacula is a distinct species or a colour form. While Kathe Jensen's original specimens of E. flavomacula from Hong Kong [see message #14009] look a bit different, Leslie Chan's [#4895], also from Hong Kong, look identical to Koh's photos, except for the yellow spot. Before re-identifying Koh's animals I will wait for Kathe's comments.

If anyone could send me some photos of Elysia atroviridis from Japan to include on the Forum, for comparative purposes, I would be grateful

Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2005 (Jun 17). Comment on Koh's Elysia is Elysia atroviridis by Atsushi Ono. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/14073


Elysia atroviridis

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