Queensland Acteon?
October 21, 1999
From: Paula Mikkelsen

There's an unidentified acteonid from Queensland figured on the web at http://www.molluscs.net/whatisitf.htm. Looks close to Maxacteon flammea, but not quite. Any opinions from the locals?
Mikkelsen, P., 1999 (Oct 21) Queensland Acteon?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/1439Dear Paula,
Bret Raines has sent me a copy of the photo from his developing website at http://www.molluscs.net. Well worth a visit, especially if you are interested in shells.
I think M. flammea ranges from this colour pattern to quite narrow curved lines. It does not seem to be that common, or we haven't yet found where it likes to live, so there aren't great numbers of specimens, even shells, to compare.
Bill Rudman.