Re: New? Costasiella from Kerama Island

September 13, 2005
From: Kathe R. Jensen

Dear Atsushi & Bill,
Concerning message #14733

I doubt very much that this could be the same species as Costasiella mandorahae. The coloration of the present animals seem very distinct whereas C. mandorahae was rather pale, and very small - though sexually mature. So I would guess that this is a new species. Unfortunately I don't have good pictures of C. mandorahae - they were so small I had difficulties focusing.

I agree with Atsushi that Costasiella pallida is rather similar to C. formicaria - although I think C. formicaria has tentacular foot corners (I still don't have Baba's paper in my house).

Best wishes,

Jensen, K.R., 2005 (Sep 13) Re: New? Costasiella from Kerama Island. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Kathe,
My suggestion of Costasiella mandorahae was more in the way of a suggestion. Your drawings were somewhat similar and some of these species seem to be somewhat variable in colour. Concerning Costasiella formicarius - yes it does have tentacular anterior foot corners. Baba likens it to a black ant - hence the name 'formicarius' - and describes it as black with a white patch on the head, between the rhinophores, and with white tips to the cerata.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2005 (Sep 13). Comment on Re: New? Costasiella from Kerama Island by Kathe R. Jensen. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Costasiella sp. 4

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  1. New? Costasiella from Kerama Island
    From: Atsushi Ono, September 12, 2005

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