Doto lancei from the Gulf of California, Mexico

January 31, 2006
From: Jeff Goddard

Hi Bill,
Here are two not-very-good, but-all-I-have images of Doto lancei, for comparison with the other species of Doto with dark pigment (Doto kya and Doto columbiana) known from the NE Pacific Ocean.

Locality: Bahia Concepcion, Baja California Sur, Mexico, Gulf of California. Depth: 1 m. Length: 5 mm. September 1985. Mixed cobble/sand bottom. Photographer: Jeff Goddard

Best wishes,

Goddard. J.H.R., 2006 (Jan 31) Doto lancei from the Gulf of California, Mexico. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Jeff,
Bill Rudman


Doto lancei

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  1. Fact sheet for Doto lancei
    From: Jeff Goddard, February 13, 2006

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