Re: Chromodoris vibrata? from Tuamotu, Society Ids

June 20, 2006
From: Gustav Paulay

Concerning message #16879:

Dear Bill,
I considered C. vibrata, but it does not fit the species well. I just collected a new animal. It does not vibrate its gills (though it does undulate the mantle skirt), and lacks a purple spot on the underside of the anterior mantle. It also seems to differ from the Hawaiian animals illustrated on the forum in not having the purple margin scalloped, and having white gills and rhinophores. I am familiar with Chelonaplysilla and although I am also trying to document the sponge fauna here, have not yet seen that species. The Chromodoris was not on a host. I have taken genetic samples (as well as a morphological pickle), so will be able to compare it with the Hawaiian animals in the future with DNA.

Paulay, G., 2006 (Jun 20) Re: Chromodoris vibrata? from Tuamotu, Society Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Gustav,
I think I'll start a page from miscellaneous unidentified white-spotted species of Chromodoris. There is a possibility this is Chromodoris albopustulosa or another of Pease's white and yellow-spotted species [message #13260] but untangling those names may prove impossible.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2006 (Jun 20). Comment on Re: Chromodoris vibrata? from Tuamotu, Society Ids by Gustav Paulay. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Chromodoris spp.

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