Dendronotus frondosus from Portland, UK
July 25, 2006
From: Etienne Lorrain

While diving a 45 meters under a wreck near Portland, south coast of United Kingdom - I saw this unusual animal - which I thought was worth a photo.
At this depth, it is getting difficult to be perfectly in focus ... other than the obvious in the photo, I did notice a strong "trace" trailing from where it is coming from: in fact I thought at first it was a plastic lure with a fish-hook, still attached to a fishing line.
Locality: Salsette wreck, 45 meters, England, English channel, June 2006, muddy bottom, under wreck overhang. Length: 2 to 3 inches. Photographer: Etienne Lorrain.
Etienne Lorrain
Etienne Lorrain, 2006 (Jul 25) Dendronotus frondosus from Portland, UK. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Etienne,
This is Dendronotus frondosus. This species is found on both sides of the nthn Atlantic and also from the west coast of Nth America. There is some discussion about whether it is all one species, but I suspect a lot of ecological and anatomical work will need to be done before that question is resolved.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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