Original description & identity of Hypselodoris peasei

February 10, 2000
From: Bill Rudman

To help in the discussion on Hypselodoris bertschi and Hypselodoris peasei I have included here Pease's original description of Dorisprismatica lineata with paintings from Andrew Garrett, which Bergh (1880) subsequently published, and gave a new name C. peasei, because Pease's name was preoccupied by Eydoux & Souleyet's Doris lineata.

Bill Rudman.

Elongate, soft, smooth, convexly rounded above, rather wider posteriorly, portion anterior to the dorsal tentacles somewhat dilated laterally and rounded in front. Branchiae small, erect, lanceolate, pinnate, ten in number, encircling the vent and retractile into a common cavity, Dorsal tentacles elongate, straight, directed forward and laterally lamellated about two-thirds of their length, and retractile into simple cavities. Foot elongated and projecting much beyond posterior edge of the body in a point, rounded in front. Colour light greyish-purple, along the back and the remainder of body white, irregular longitudinal opaque fine white lines on the dorsal region, some of which are confluent. Margins of foot and body beautifully edged with violet. Branchiae whitish and longitudinally striped with orange. Tentacles white, with an orange zone near the tips, and a second near their base. Length 1 inch.

Text: Pease, W.H. (1860) Proc. zool. Soc. Lond, 28: 32.
Figures: Bergh, L.S.R. (1880) Malac. Unters. Semper. Sect 2, 4(1): 26. Fig B, figs 10-13. [painted by Andrew Garrett].

Rudman, W.B., 2000 (Feb 10) Original description & identity of Hypselodoris peasei. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/1852

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