Janolus sp. 1 from Port Stephens

July 3, 2007
From: Erik Schlögl

Dear Bill,

I think this is a specimen of Janolus sp. 1, as it is called on the Sea Slug Forum. It seems to have been caught in a scatological moment.

Locality: Fly Point, Port Stephens, 20 meters, New South Wales, Australia, Pacific Ocean, 3 October 2005. Length: 2 cm. Photographer: Erik Schlögl.

I also noticed that one of the messages refers to this species as Janolus "carinate." I don't know whether the author of that message ever got back to you about the source of that name - Helmut Debelius uses that name in his book, but considering the critical remarks on this book in the book review section of the Forum, I don't think that can be taken as authoritative.

Best regards,


Schlögl, E., 2007 (Jul 3) Janolus sp. 1 from Port Stephens. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/19798

Dear Erik,
Yes this is Janolus sp. 1.

Now and then I get messages from members of the public who can't see why intelligent people might spend their time discussing the wonders of sea slugs - the politer ones usually include phrases such as 'get a life! ' etc ...  I shudder to think what they will think of your series of photos. Personally I find them a wonderful way to show just where the anal papilla is in the Zephyrinidae.

Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2007 (Jul 3). Comment on Janolus sp. 1 from Port Stephens by Erik Schlögl. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/19798


Janolus sp. 1.

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  1. Janolus sp.1 from sthn Queensland
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  2. Janolus from Tasmania, Australia
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  3. Janolus from Port Stephens, eastern Australia
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  4. Janolus 'carinate' - Perhaps
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  5. Janolus from Port Stephens, NSW
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  6. Janolus from Port Stephens
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