Thorunna sp? from the Marquesas Ids

March 10, 2000
From: Clay Bryce

Hi Bill,

I have just started to go through the material I collected at the Marquesas. Some intersting things I can't find any reference to and am hoping you have an idea.

This one is possibly a Thorunna sp. - perhaps a member of your Noumea purpurea group ? The colouring is very distinctive and consistent with all the animals I have.

Data: 1cm long, Ua Poa, Marquesas Is, 12 m on sand, rubble and coral bottom. 26/10/99 Photo: J. Hoover.

All the best,

Bryce, C., 2000 (Mar 10) Thorunna sp? from the Marquesas Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Clay,
This is certainly an interesting animal. It could easily be a Thorunna but having been tricked by these animals before, you will need to have a look at the antomy to be sure. Can you remember if the gills flickered or wiggled rhythmically?
Bill Rudman.

Rudman, W.B., 2000 (Mar 10). Comment on Thorunna sp? from the Marquesas Ids by Clay Bryce. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Thorunna? sp. 2.