Nembrotha from Komodo Is., Indonesia

April 22, 2008
From: Natasja Vandeperre

Hello Bill,

I'm really puzzled about these two excited beauties. Could this possibly be Nembrotha milleri? Or is it a Tambja sp.

Locality: Komodo, Indonesia, May 2007. Photographer: Karen Verwulgen


Vandeperre, N., 2008 (Apr 22) Nembrotha from Komodo Is., Indonesia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Natasja,

It certainly doesn't look like any species I am familiar with, but perhaps Marta Pola who has been working on this family has seen it before? Its shape is that of Nembrotha, and its presence on the blue tubular colony of what looks like the ascidian Sigillina cyanea,  which Nembrotha rosannulata feeds on, suggests it is definitely a species of Nembrotha. For want of anything else I will call it Nembrotha sp. 15. If anyone has a real name for it can they let me know please.

Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2008 (Apr 22). Comment on Nembrotha from Komodo Is., Indonesia by Natasja Vandeperre. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Nembrotha sp. 15