Sakuraeolis gujaratica from type locality

May 7, 2009
From: Apte Deepak

Concerning message #12829:

Dear Dr. Rudman

On 26th April 2009 we managed to collect three specimens of Sakuraeolis gujaratica from the type locality. We got one specimen in February as well. This note is just to share with you the news since the species was described by you from this locality

The species seemed to occur from January till April (when we surveyed last) and mostly seen on hydroid with pink coloured polyps. I am also attaching the image of hydroid which we collected along with the

Locality: Adatra, Poshitra, exposed reef, Gujarat, Arabean Sea, 26 April 2009, Reef. Length: 30 mm. Photographer: Deepak Apte.

Deepak Apte
Bombay Natural History Society
Mumbai, India

Apte D.A., 2009 (May 7) Sakuraeolis gujaratica from type locality. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Deepak,

Thanks very much. This brings back memories of my time in NW India nearly 40 years ago. I was very short of film so could only spare two shots for this species - fortunately, as you can see on the Fact Sheet, one of them worked. I know of no other finds of this species so your photos are a valuable addition to our knowledge of the species and its colour. Hopefully the hydroid will be identifiable from its colour. It is interesting to speculate that the amount of orange pigment in the skin of the aeolid may depend on whether it is feeding on this hydroid or not.

Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2009 (May 7). Comment on Sakuraeolis gujaratica from type locality by Apte Deepak. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

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