Re: Unknown nudibranch from northern NSW

April 23, 2000
From: Carol Buchanan

Hi Bill

here are the photos you asked about in reply to my earlier message. I have found this animal on 3 occasions, always at Split Solitary Island. [off Coffs Harbour, nthn New South Wales, Australia].

I have attached scans of the 3 specimens. Details are:
UPPER RIGHT: sometime in 1986, no other details recorded
LOWER LEFT: January 1988 at 18 metres
LOWER RIGHT: December 1989 at 21 metres



Buchanan, C., 2000 (Apr 23) Re: Unknown nudibranch from northern NSW. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Carol,
Thanks very much. From your upper photo, and Erik Schloegl's photo it looks like it prefers this one species of sponge.
Bill Rudman.


Noumea sp. 3.

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  1. Re: Unknown nudibranch from northern NSW
    From: Carol Buchanan, April 17, 2000
  2. Re: Unknown nudibranch from northern NSW
    From: Erik Schloegl, April 7, 2000
  3. Unknown nudibranch from northern NSW
    From: Erik Schloegl, April 3, 2000

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