Eubranchus farrani from the Baltic Sea
January 12, 2010
From: Thorsten Walter

Dear Bill,
I am the owner of a small local aquarium/museum located at the Baltic Sea in Lübeck-Travemünde, northern Germany. During our field trips with school clases we sometimes found small nudibranchs, inside the harbour in front of our station. The salinity of the water is normally 1.0-1.5 psu.
I tentatively identified one species as Eubranchus exiguus,the second as Tenellia adspersa. For the others I have no idea. In this message I have included pictures of E. cf. exiguus. Images of the other species will follow with the next email.
Locality: Harbour, less than 1 metre, Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Baltic Sea, Luebeck Bight, Passathafen, 14 December 2008, On Mytilus edulis covered mainly with Laomedea flexuosa and Aurelia aurita polyps. Length: 5 mm. Photographer: T. Walter.
It would be great if you or somebody else can help me with the species identification.
Best regards
Thorsten Walter
Walter, T., 2010 (Jan 12) Eubranchus farrani from the Baltic Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Thorsten,
This is indeed a species of Eubranchus, but it is Eubranchus farrani rather than E. exiguus. E. farrani has a number of colour variations, but it is the only European species with the this colour pattern - orange tipped cerata and orange patches covering the dorsal part of the body.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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