Chromodoris joshi
September 10, 1998
From: Aloysia Murni Shintosari

I really doubt my opinion about this species. I assume that it belong to Chromodoris africana Eliot, 1904. The assumption only based on lack of white band at the edge of the notum.
They are from the reef at Penjaliran Barat Island, Thousand Islands, Indonesia.
Thankyou for any advice
Aloysia Murni Shintosari
Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense
Cibinong, Indonesia.
Aloysia Murni Shintosari, 1998 (Sep 10) Chromodoris joshi. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Aloysia,
Not a bad stab at an identification. I had wondered whether it was a form of Chromodoris africana for some years. It was only this year that Gosliner & Behrens decided that it was a distinct species. ... Bill Rudman.
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