Thorunna florens? from West Australia

December 17, 1998
From: Clay Bryce

Dear Bill,

Re: Continuing discussion on Thorunna florens :
I have recently collected and photographed a specimen that I have tentatively called Thorunna cf florens from Beagle Bay, W. Australia. Beagle Bay is in the southern Kimberley region of WA. This specimen is different again in coloration than that shown in the Sea Slug Forum but does have the orange anterior mantle stripe. It's dorsal colouration consists of the purple base with central orange dots with red centres and red dots around the margin but absent anteriorly.

Specimens and photos are available on loan if you need them.


Clay Bryce,
Western Australian Museum.

Bryce, C., 1998 (Dec 17) Thorunna florens? from West Australia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Clay,
Thanks for the picture. It's amazing how many patterns can be made from one set of colours! Could you send me some information on its size to add to the caption please.

Thanks also for the other pictures which I will add hopefully before Christmas.
Best wishes,

Rudman, W.B., 1998 (Dec 17). Comment on Thorunna florens? from West Australia by Clay Bryce. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Thorunna? sp. 1