Re: Retusa? from Baja California

March 6, 2001
From: Ron Velarde

Dear Bill,
In answer to your question, in the specimens of Acteocina that we get from off San Diego, the spire is extremely variable. I suspect that the spire is relatively fragile in the juveniles and the variability in the adults reflect this condition.

The following species of Acteocina are found off San Diego:
A. inculta (Gould,1856)-embayments
A. culcitella (Gould, 1852)-shallow offshore,<30m
A. eximia (Baird, 1863)- deep offshore,>30m
A. harpa (Dall, 1871)- offshore

The first three species are very common in our benthic samples and the distibutions are well documented. A. harpa is less abundant and thus its distribution is less certain.
Ron Velarde

Velarde, R., 2001 (Mar 6) Re: Retusa? from Baja California. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Ron,
Bill Rudman

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