Chromodoris sp 12 from Kii Peninsula, Japan
November 13, 2001
From: Yasuhiro Shirai
Dear Bill,
I have attached an image of an animal I found at Kushimoto area, Kii Peninsula, central Japan. It hid under a rock.
First time, I thought that it was Chromodoris sinensis, but my animal doesn't have a red outer line around the mantle border.
Depth: -4m
Length: 5mm
Water temperature: 26 degrees.
Please identify this animal.
Yasuhiro Shirai
Shirai, I., 2001 (Nov 13) Chromodoris sp 12 from Kii Peninsula, Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Yasuhiro,
This looks to be the same as Kazuko Matsuda's animal from Okinawa. I am sure that it does not have a name so I am temporarily calling it Chromodoris sp. 12. However we won't know whether it is a Chromodoris, or a member of a related genus, until we know something about its anatomy.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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Chromodoris sp. from Okinawa, Japan
From: Kazuko Matsuda, January 31, 2001