Gymnodoris ? from Sulawesi

February 23, 1999
From: Lindsay Warren

Dear Bill,
I have taken the liberty of emailing you a couple of the sketches made by volunteers, as either a photo is not available or has not come out well enough to show the relevant features.  

Here is one of them plus a photo. Unfortunately the photo does not show its distinctive head with oral veil with characteristic serrated edged of 6-7 'dips'.  Length:22 mm.  Other comments shoud be readable from the scanned sketch.

SKETCH: Richard Smith
PHOTO: Adam Powell

Operation Wallacea research for 1998 ended in December and will resume again in early May this year.  In the meantime we are trying to tie up loose ends on the identification front.With best wishes

Lindsay Warren

Warren, L., 1999 (Feb 23) Gymnodoris ? from Sulawesi. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Lindsay,
This is a species of Gymnodoris but I'm afraid without dissection it is difficult to identify many of the species. The majority of species in the genus are white or translucent to transparent with orange spots, papillae or patches. I have been dissecting and comparing species of the family for a couple of years now and I'm afraid colour does not seem to be the answer to identification problems in this family. The apparently broad foot in the sketch may be a useful character, as only a couple of species seem to possess a very wide foot like that.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.

Rudman, W.B., 1999 (Feb 23). Comment on Gymnodoris ? from Sulawesi by Lindsay Warren. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Gymnodoris sp. 1.