Sea Hare abundance on GBR

March 8, 2002
From: Julie Marshall

Dear Bill,
In response to Cathryn Clarke's request for information on the abundance of sea hares on the GBR she can find information for Aplysia dactylomela, Dolabella auricularia and Dolabrifera dolabrifera for Heron Island in Marshall & Willan's book Nudibranchs of Heron Island. We list the numbers found in different sites on the reef over a number of years for each of these species. Since the book was published I have also found Aplysia extraordinaria at Heron Island but this was a rare sighting.

Best wishes,
Julie Marshall

Marshall, J., 2002 (Mar 8) Sea Hare abundance on GBR. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Julie,
Bill Rudman

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