Halgerda willeyi from Mooloolaba?
June 17, 1998
From: Wayne Ellis

Hi Bill,
I've attached a pic of what I believe may be Halgerda willeyi. Am I close? Steve Grail found it off Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast, southern Queensland, May 1998. That's all I know at present.
Wayne Ellis
Ellis, W., 1998 (Jun 17) Halgerda willeyi from Mooloolaba?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/68Thanks Wayne. Yes this is Halgerda willeyi. The genus Halgerda contains some of the most spectacularly shaped and coloured of the dorids. The mantle is very firm and smooth and is usually elaborated into a network of ridges, which are often pronounced and strongly angled. The ridges radiate out from a series of tubercles scattered over the body. The gills are usually very large, but very sparse, with few lamellae or leaflets along each arm. Halgerda willeyi was originally collected at Lifu, Loyalty Ids, New Caledonia by Dr Willey's pioneering expedition to study the biology of living Chambered Nautilus. It is probably the most common species of Halgerda found in New Caledonia. Species in the genus are usually differentiated by their colour patterns. At present it is difficult to determine whether Halgerda willeyi has a very variable colour pattern or whether there are a number of very similarly coloured species. It is well-known in eastern Australia, East Africa and the Red Sea, so I assume it occurs throughout the Indo-West Pacific ... Bill Rudman
Rudman, W.B., 1998 (Jun 17). Comment on Halgerda willeyi from Mooloolaba? by Wayne Ellis. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/68Related messages
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