Hermaea sp. from Hachijo Island Japan

May 8, 2002
From: Shouichi Kato

Dear Bill,
Please see the attached photo.
I found this animal on the algae. It looks very like Hermaea bifida to me, but I'm not sure. Please advice.

Date : March 2002
Depth : 5m
Size : 10mm

Best regards,
S. Kato


Kato, S., 2002 (May 8) Hermaea sp. from Hachijo Island Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/6868

Dear Shouichi,
It certainly looks like the Atlantic Hermaea bifida but hopefully Kathe Jensen can give us her opinion on this species
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman


Hermaea cf. bifida

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