Bornella sarape from Mexico

June 15, 2002
From: Alicia Hermosillo

Dear Dr. Rudman,
After giving you a break on my postings, I come back with this very neat finding. Bornella sarape is a rather uncommon animal that had been reported last in 1980 by Dr. Hans Bertsch in Sayulita Nayarit (around 60 km north of my study area).

Hans and I were diving last Sunday and I came across this guy, I could not identify it on the spot but he certainly could and was pretty excited about it. I bet his uw pictures are going to be amazing. This specimen is 42 mm long and was found under a rock in Los Arcos, Bahia de Banderas, Mexico, 54 feet deep.

Hermosillo, A., 2002 (Jun 15) Bornella sarape from Mexico. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Alicia,
Another interesting find,
Bill Rudman


Bornella sarape

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