Hypselodoris marci - Marcus photos

September 23, 2002
From: Bill Rudman

While answering Craig's message about Hypselodoris sp. 5 from Florida I came across these photos sent to me by Eveline Marcus in 1984. She had labelled them both as Hypselodoris marci.

PHOTOS: Upper & Lower Right: ex Ev Marcus - no data on slide. Possibly Holotype.
Lower left: Labelled 'Hyps marci? Aug 1977. Ilha Dos Porcos' by Ev Marcus. [I assume 'Ilha Dos Porcos' refers to a place just south of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]. Photographers: unknown.

I suspect the Lower Right photo may be the holotype specimen as the drawing in the original description of the mantle edge is almost identical. This is no way to be sure. Considering the confusion surrounding this name, and the little information we have about it, I feel it is useful to post these photos as they indicate Eveline Marcus's concept of the species. It seems very similar to Hypselodoris acriba.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2002 (Sep 23) Hypselodoris marci - Marcus photos. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/7998


Hypselodoris marci

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