Cephalaspidean from Turkey (2)
January 6, 2003
From: Baki Yokes

Dear Bill,
To accompany Erwin's message, here is another specimen of the white cephalaspidean from Antalya, Turkey. Although I have not seen this species alive, I have received many photos of it taken from various parts of Turkey by divers. It is usually seen at night, between 15-25m of depth, on rocky surface covered with algae. The photo was taken by Adnan Buyuk [ado2000tr@yahoo.com]
Place: Antalya, Turkey
Dive site: Uç Adalar
Depth: 15m
Size: around 1cm
Best wishes
Yokes, B., 2003 (Jan 6) Cephalaspidean from Turkey (2). [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/8840Dear Baki & Adnan,
Thanks for another exciting find from Turkey. As I discuss in Erwin's message, this is
Haminoea cyanomarginata, previously known from a single specimen collected in the Sudanese Red Sea.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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