Cuthona sibogae
(Bergh, 1905)
Family: Tergipedidae
Probably widespread Indo-West Pacific.
UPPER RIGHT: on food hydroid Sertularella. Darwin, Northern Territory, June 1987. AM C153594. Photo: Bill Rudman.
LOWER: Scanning electron micrographs of the radula of an animal from Broadhurst Reef, off Townsville, North Queensland. Scale bar = 10 microns. Photo: Geoff Avern.
A moderately large aeolid nudibranch in which the cerata are arranged in about eight fan-like clusters on each side of the body. The cerata are cylindrical, tapering at the tip to a rounded point. The general body colouration is pale lilac purple. The oral tentacles and the upper half of the slender smooth rhinophores are a reddish purple. The cerata are similar in colour to the body except for a bright golden yellow tip and a band just below the yellow tip which ranges from deep reddish purple to deep purple. Many of the smaller outer cerata in each row are golden yellow with nno purplish basal region. It grows to 35mm in length. It is usually found associated with its food, an orange hydroid, Sertularella quadridens.
Previously called Cuthona sp. 4 in the Forum. See messages below.
• Bergh, L.S.R. (1905). Die Opisthobranchiata. Siboga Expeditie Report, 50: 248pp., Pls 1-20.
• • Marshall, J.G. & Willan, R.C. (1999). Nudibranchs of Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. A survey of the Opisthobranchia (Sea Slugs) of Heron and Wistari Reefs. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 1-257, figs 1-280
Rudman, W.B., 2003 (October 20) Cuthona sibogae (Bergh, 1905). [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/cuthsp4
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