Original illustration of Chromodoris rufomaculata Pease 1871
March 7, 2005
From: Bill Rudman

Here is another message concerning the white and purple-spotted chromodorids described from Hawaii by Pease and Garrett. In this one I post the original illustration of Chromodoris rufomaculata Pease, 1871 : Plate 8, fig 1.
The original description included the following colour information:
Colour cream white, passing into cream yellow towards the margins, which are ornamented with a series of oblong violet spots. The central portion of the mantle is studded with numerous slightly elevated orange dots. Branchiae colourless, tentacles chocolate brown, laminae white.
Under surface colorless, with the exception of a light tinge of the dorsal colours, which are transmitted through the pellucid mantle.
The actual type locality of this species is 'Huaheine Ids, Society Ids" .
- Pease, W. H. 1871. Descriptions of new species of nudibranchiate Mollusca inhabiting Polynesia. No. 2. American Journal of Conchology 7(1): 11-19, pls. 3-9.
Bill Rudman
Rudman, W.B., 2005 (Mar 7) Original illustration of Chromodoris rufomaculata Pease 1871. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/13231Related messages
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