Cumanotus? from Croatia
April 19, 2005
From: Mat Vestjens

Hello Bill,
This animal is found in April 2004 in Celce, Croatia, at a depth of 4 metres. I have tried to find out what species it is, but up to this moment, nobody could help me on this. Last year your Forum was out, so I could not send it in. I have asked Bernard Picton, but he could not help me on this. I saw the message of Cumanotus on the forum and must say that this comes close.
Locality: Celse, Croatia. Adriatic sea. Depth: 4 metres. Length: 20 mm. April 2004. Photographer: Mat Vestjens.
Can you help me on this?
Best regards,
Mat Vestjens
Vestjens, M., 2005 (Apr 19) Cumanotus? from Croatia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Mat,
I think this is Facelina dubia. From the 'front on' view alongside, it clearly has large smoooth rhinophores, large oral tentacles, and large tentacular anterior foot corners. It looks like we may have come full circle. Tom Turk, in his first message [#13477] concerning Cumanotus, thought his species might be Facelina dubia and now you have an animal you think is Cumanotus which I suspect is Facelina dubia. A note of caution however, I have never seen this animal alive so we should wait for confirmation from someone who has.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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