Re: Damaged Chelidonura livida from the Red Sea

November 9, 2005
From: John Weinberg

Hi Bill and Oren,
I know this thread [message #13251] is now quite old but I have only just caught up and wanted to add that I have seen seemingly healthly specimens out in the daytime on a number (10+) occasions in the Egyptian Red Sea. They have been relatively shallow, 6m or less, on fine mud/sand near coral reefs although these sightings may have more to do with dive site selection than the distribution of Chelidonura livida.
John Weinberg

Weinberg, J., 2005 (Nov 9) Re: Damaged Chelidonura livida from the Red Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear John,
There is no dead line on joining conversations. We certainly have much to learn about these animals. Certainly in general terms, species of Chelidonura are less likely to be found burrowing than other members of the family. Many are often seen crawling over coral colonies in the day time, or over coral sand - also in the day time.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2005 (Nov 9). Comment on Re: Damaged Chelidonura livida from the Red Sea by John Weinberg. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Chelidonura livida

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