Risbecia imperialis from Hawaii
January 5, 2007
From: Aidan Hampson

I just got back from a trip to Kona (Hawaii) and shot a nice image of Risbecia imperialis. I thought you might like a copy for your webpage. On "slug site" it claims that R. imperialis was in decline in the '80s and '90s so I thought you might be interested. It was a single individual shot on Dec 21 2006 at around 50ft depth at a site just outside Kona boat harbor- called "turtle pinnacle". Water temps were around 78F
Locality: Kona boat Harbor , 50ft, HI USA, Pacific, 20 Dec 2006, small coral reefs interspersed with sediment . Length: 1-1.5"
Aidan Hampson
Hampson, A.J., 2007 (Jan 5) Risbecia imperialis from Hawaii. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/19107Dear Aidan,
Scott Johnson [message #1196 ] reported a decline in numbers in recent years, so any reports on this species are welcome. Concerning 'disappearing species' in Hawaii, have a look at my earlier message [#4249] concerning Chromodoris petechialis. Although a couple of recent finds of it have been announced in various places they are misidentifications. It would be exciting to find this species again - otherwise it may be the first nudibranch extinction ever recorded.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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