Dorid? from Galapagos Islands
July 24, 2007
From: Joshua Feingold

During a recent dive in the southerrn Galapagos Archipelago, I observed this beautiful nudibranch. Marine scientists at the Charles Darwin Research Station and colleagues in the USA have not yet been able to identify it.
Locality: North coast, Floreana Island, 25 m, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, East Pacific, 9 June 2007, On rubble patch on hard bottom community. Length: 10 cm. Photographer: Joshua Feingold.
Thank you for your help.
Joshua Feingold
Nova Southeastern University
Feingold, J.S., 2007 (Jul 24) Dorid? from Galapagos Islands. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Joshua,
This is the second report of this strange and spectacular species from the Galapagos Ids [see message #10643 ], and the first message did not result in any brilliant suggestions from Forum participants. I had wondered if it was a weird polycerid of some sort but your photo shows that the mantle skirt extends all the way around the body. Michael Schroedl has had an exhaustive look at old names for South American species [see Sea Slugs of southern South America ] and I can't see anything there which looks vaguely like your animal. If we are lucky, someone who missed the first message will recognise your photo - but that may be optimistic.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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