Strange mutation from the Philippines
March 19, 2008
From: Jeffrey de Guzman

Here is a strange mutation
Locality: Arthur's Rock, Anilao Batangas, 40 feet, Philippines, Philippines, 22 June 2007, Coral. Length: 3 inches. Photographer: Jeffrey de Guzman.
Jeffrey de Guzman
de Guzman, J., 2008 (Mar 19) Strange mutation from the Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Jeffrey,
I am not sure if the strange muation you are referring to is the colour of the animal or the strange disc-like or cone-shaped object in front of the gills. We have a number of records of similar strange growths in chromodorids on the Abnormalities list including one on C. willani [see message #20241 ].
Concerning the colour pattern, the body looks like C. dianae but the gills and rhinophores are characteristic of C. willani. I suspect it is a strange C. willani but that is just a guess.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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