Re: Where do I find Clione limacina?
May 19, 2001
From: Marli Wakeling

Concerning Josh Rosenthal's request for information, you can find Clione limacina during the summer months in the waters of British Columbia, Canada. They were exceptionally prevalent during the El Nino summer several years ago. The most reliable place that I have seen them is at Quadra Island, near Campbell River on Vancouver Island. This specimen was taken there in 1999, just under the surface.
Marli Wakeling
Wakeling, M., 2001 (May 19) Re: Where do I find Clione limacina?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
[Note added 20 June 2007: On the suggestion of Carol Lalli, an expert on these animals, I have changed the labels concerning the buccal organs].
Dear Marli,
Thanks for the wonderful photo. The pelagic opisthobranchs are fascinating animals. They are sometimes called sea butterflies for obvious reasons. I have labelled an enlarged version of the front end to show some of its distinctive features. Limacina and related gymnosomatous pteropods are voracious hunters feeding almost exclusively on their cousins the thecosomatous or shelled pteropods. Their buccal apparatus includes extensile buccal tentacles that are used to capture the prey, and hooks surrounding the radular teeth to drag it into the mouth.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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