Elysia obtusa from Japan
July 25, 2001
From: Nishina Masayoshi & Chikako

Dear Dr.Rudman,
I found this animal at Echizen, Japan. I think this is may be Elysia flava.
I think this species is not common here or at Hachijo or Sagami Bay.
These photos are all of the same animal. It was found on the pink encrusting coralline algae and we moved it temporarily to photograph it on the algae in the bottom right photo.
Data: Echizen beach (Fukui prefecture, Russian side of Japan), 18th July, 2001
Depth: 5m. Water temp. 25C degree. Size: 10mm
Photo by Chikako.
Best Regards,
Nishina Masayoshi & Chikako
Dear Nishina & Chikako,
Thank you for these very interesting photos of Elysia obtusa which arrived just as I was preparing to post some messages about this animal from Hong Kong. Your animal with only a little tinge of green is good to compare with the much greener animals from Hong Kong. As I discuss at the top of the page, there is a yellow species of Elysia, Elysia flava Verrill, 1901, described from the Caribbean, but until the anatomy of that species is compared with E. obtusa it is not possible to discuss whether or not they are the same species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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