Radula of Rostanga calumus

April 23, 2002
From: Bill Rudman

PHOTOS: Scanning electron micrographs of the teeth of Rostanga calumus [AM C408090]. Upper Right: Section od radula showing the central teeth and the rows on the right side of the ribbon. Lower Left: The tips of the long outer radular teeth from right side of ribbon. Lower Right: the central teeth on each side of the midline. Photos: Alison Miller.

In a separate message I have posted some photos of the egg ribbon of a species of Rostanga which I was able to identify by examining its radula. Here are the photos. All species of Rostanga have a radula which has an innermost tooth, on each side of the midline, which is small, wide-bladed and denticulate on the inner edge. Outside this tooth, in each row, there is a series of simple hook-shaped teeth which get gradually longer towards the outside edge of the ribbon. At the edge of the ribbon are usually a cluster of very long teeth often with many long finger-like terminal denticles. The shape of the innermost and the outermost teeth in each row are usually very distinctive for each species. I have already included pages on the Forum illustrating the radula of most species of Rostanga, including a R. calumus radula Page. This animal is clearly R. calumus.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2002 (Apr 23) Radula of Rostanga calumus. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/6796


Rostanga calumus

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