Cuthona sp. 6 from Hachijo Island, Japan

July 20, 2002
From: Shouichi Kato

Dear Bill,
This Cuthona was found when I turned over a rock, shallower than 10m in depth. It was smaller than 10mm.
Please let me know what it is.

S. Kato

Kato, S., 2002 (Jul 20) Cuthona sp. 6 from Hachijo Island, Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Shouichi,
I'm pretty sure this is the species we are calling Cuthona sp. 6 on the Forum.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2002 (Jul 20). Comment on Cuthona sp. 6 from Hachijo Island, Japan by Shouichi Kato. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Cuthona sp. 6

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