Sea Slugs of Western Australia
F.E. Wells & C.W. Bryce

184 pages. Paperback.
First published 1993.
ISBN0 7309 5523 0

This guide introduces 226 Opisthobranchs & includes bubble shells to nudibranchs. It covers the 12,000 km Australian West Coast. Many Indo-Pacific species are described & the authors have attempted to include species likely to be seen by interested observers. The guide includes an introduction to the life of sea slugs & information of each of the orders & families covered.

Contact Western Australian Museum, Francis Street, Perth, Western Australia. 6000.

This Review is by Wayne Ellis

Authorship details
Ellis, W., 1998 (December 15) Sea Slugs of Western Australia. F.E. Wells & C.W. Bryce. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from