New scientific publications
This is a place where researchers are encouraged to announce their recently published works. A number of colleagues have asked for a place to post pdfs of their publications so they are freely available. Unfortunately, most journal publishers own the copyright and specifically ban authors from making their publications freely availble in this way. However there is nothing stop authors from distributing copies of their pdfs to individuals who request a copy.
Authors if you wish to participate, just send a normal message, including a full citation - with journal name in full - and either a brief summary of its contents or a copy of the Abstract. Also note whether you have a pdf or reprints available on request.
For those of you interested in new publications just scan the messages attached below.
Related messages
Opisthobranchs from the Andaman Sea
October 9, 2008
From: Kathe R. Jensen

Dear Bill,
I have a new publication on opisthobranchs from the Andaman Sea, Thailand. It is in the most recent volume of the Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin (Vol. 68, pp. 21-30), which should be available for download on the PMBC web-site, but when I tried, I couldn't get it to work. So if any Forum users are interested in a pdf copy, please send me an e-mail.
The species included are: Philine cf. orientalis, Pleurobranchaea brockii, Euselenops luniceps, Kalinga ornata, Platydoris annulata and Ceratosoma sinuata. The specimens have been dredged from depths between 20 and 690 m, so the condition of specimens was generally poor, but a few examples were remarkably good. I attach photos of Platydoris annulata Dorgan, Valdès and Gosliner, 2002 because I think this is the first record since the original description.
Locality: Andaman Sea, 303-313 m, Thailand, Indian Ocean, 22 February 2000, dredged with Agassiz trawl. Length: approx. 40 mm preserved. Photographer: Kathe Jensen.
Jensen, K.R. 2008 (though it says 2007 on the reprint). The opisthobranch molluscs collected during the Thai-Danish BIOSHELF project in the Andaman Sea Thailand. Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin, 68: 21-30.
Best wishes,
Jensen, K.R., 2008 (Oct 9) Opisthobranchs from the Andaman Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Kathe,
Bill Rudman
New papers on chemistry of opisthobranchs
September 26, 2007
From: Margherita Gavagnin
Dear Bill,
Following your suggestion, here is a list of the most recently published papers on the chemistry of opisthobranchs by our group.
We have some other manuscripts in revision. I'll let you know when these articles are published.
W. Zhang, M. Gavagnin, Y.-W. Guo, E. Mollo, M. T. Ghiselin and G. Cimino. (2007) Terpenoid metabolites of the nudibranch Hexabranchus sanguineus from the South China Sea. Tetrahedron, 63: 4725-4729.
M. Gavagnin, M. Carbone, P. Amodeo, E. Mollo, R. M. Vitale, V. Roussis and G. Cimino. (2007) Structure and absolute stereochemistry of syphonoside: a unique macrocyclic glycoterpenoid from marine organisms.
J. Org. Chem., 72: 5625-5630. -
E. Manzo, M. Gavagnin, G. Bifulco, P. Cimino, S. Di Micco, M. L. Ciavatta, Y.-W. Guo, and G. Cimino. (2007) Aplysiols A and B, squalene-derived polyethers from the mantle of the sea hare Aplysia dactylomela. Tetrahedron, 63: 9970-9978.
Dr. M. Gavagnin
Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via Campi Flegrei, 34
80078 - Pozzuoli (Naples), ITALY
Gavagnin, M., 2007 (Sep 26) New papers on chemistry of opisthobranchs. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Margherita,
The study of secondary metabolites in opisthobranchs is certainly a powerful tool linking particular species to their food items. Your paper (Gavagnin et al., 2007) sugetsing that the sea hare Syphonota geographica feeds on the sea grass Halophila stipulacea is particularly interesting because sea hares are usually thought to feed on algae rather than sea grasses.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
About some aeolids from Brazil
August 23, 2007
From: Vinicius Padula

Dear Bill,
Just to let you know of our publication recording new records for Brazilian waters for: Aeolidiella alba [upper photo], Berghia creutzbergi [middle photo], and Flabellina engeli [lower photo ].
Padula, V. and Santos, F. N. (2006) Three new records of Nudibranchia (Mollusca, Gastropoda) - Additions on the Brazilian Biodiversity. Biociencias, Porto Alegre14: 214-220.
The paper is available on the link "PDF" at:
Best wishes,
Padula, V., 2007 (Aug 23) About some aeolids from Brazil. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Thanks Vinicius,
Bill Rudman
Scientific Publications
July 23, 2007
From: Alicia Hermosillo
Dear Bill,
I have to tell you that this is a great idea!
In this paper, Angel and I describe 5 new species of aeolids from the tropical eastern Pacific.
Hermosillo A. & Valdés, A. 2007. Five new species of Aeolid nudibranchs (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia) from the Tropical Eastern Pacific. American Malacological Bulletin, 22: 119-137, 13 text figures, 1 color pl.
I am going to take a little time to tell you a story. I do most of my field work with Pedro Medina, a biologist who specializes in corals but has learned a lot about nudibranchs, we work great together. At the beginning of this year, he bought a Nightsea system to help him find the coral recruits at night, and since we are always diving together, I did too. Our surprise was that under those lights, we are able to find nudibranchs we never imagined. Totally cryptic critters, which I had only seen a handful in my 5 years of PhD research we found countless (I am not exagerating) in one night dive under the lights. Needless to say, this works wonders inside sea caves too. Photographing fluorescent effects is easier said than done, and let´s just say that because we are still too excited about what we see during the night dives, it is hard to take the time from "discovery" and turn in into playing around with the camera... anyways, In the abovementioned paper, we describe Cuthona millenae, with only 2 specimens which were found throught many years. This species flouresces neon yellow, and it happens to be rather abundant. I am keeping a list of those species I have found to be fluorescent and hopefully one day I will be able to photograph most of them.
Kind regards
Hermosillo, A., 2007 (Jul 23) Scientific Publications. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Ali,
Bill Rudman
New publications
July 23, 2007
From: Brian K. Penney
Hi Bill
Thanks for adding this section to the forum. Recent publications for which I have pdf's follow.
Penney, B. K. 2002. Lowered nutritional quality supplements nudibranch chemical defense. Oecologia, 132: 411-418.
Penney, B. K. 2004. Individual selection and the evolution of chemical defence in nudibranchs: experiments with whole Cadlina luteomarginata (Nudibranchia: Doridina). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 70: 399-400.
Penney, B. K. 2006. Morphology and biological roles of spicule networks in Cadlina luteomarginata (Nudibranchia, Doridina). Invertebrate Biology, 125: 222-232.
Penney, B.K., 2007 (Jul 23) New publications. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from of chromodorid feeding
July 21, 2007
From: Bill Rudman
You must have not been paying attention if you didn't know I had a particular interest in discovering just which species of sponge each chromodorid species ate. Using the valuable contributions of Forum participants over the last 10 years, Prof. Pat Bergquist and I have just published a paper reviewing all that is known on this topic, including new information on over 100 species. I have tried to email a pdf to every contributor who provided new information in messages to the Forum, but a few email addresses have changed. So if you haven't received a copy and are interested in receiving one, please let me know. I plan to gradually add the food items eaten by each species to the relevant Fact Sheets.
Rudman, W. B. & Bergquist, P. R. (2007) A review of feeding specificity in the sponge-feeding Chromodorididae (Nudibranchia: Mollusca). Molluscan Research, 27(2): 60-88
This paper contains new feeding information on 108 species of the sponge-feeding chromodorid nudibranchs and re-evaluates published information for 63 species. The combined information for 137 species shows a clear pattern of food specificity, at both the species and genus levels. New feeding information on the related Actinocyclidae is also presented. Species of Chromodoris and related genera prefer darwinellids; Hypselodoris and its relatives feed on dysideids, and Glossodoris feed exclusively on thorectids. The 'basal' genera, Cadlina, Cadlinella are less specialised but both they and species of the anatomically similar family Actinocyclidae seem linked by their common choice of Halisarca. Exceptions to the pattern suggest the genus Chromodoris is polyphyletic. The evolution of feeding in the Chromodorididae is discussed, and the patterns of food specificity are shown to strongly support prevailing hypotheses on chromodorid evolution. Recent taxonomic studies within the sponge orders Dictyoceratida and Dendroceratida have been essential to this study, enabling the re-identification of many of the food sponges, and the use of marker secondary metabolites in both the nudibranchs and their sponge prey.
Bill Rudman
Rudman, W.B., 2007 (Jul 21) Review of chromodorid feeding. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from