Trapania sp. 13

Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Goniodorididae


Known only from Red Sea (Gulf of Eilat),


Locality: Eilat, Malibu Beach, 3 m, Israel, Red Sea (Gulf of Eilat), 4 May 2007, sandy flat with occasional corals. Length: 3 mm. Photographer: Binyamin and Shulamit Koretz.

Authorship details
Rudman, W.B., 2008 (February 4) Trapania sp. 13 [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Related messages

Trapania sp. from the Red Sea

February 4, 2008
From: Binyamin Koretz

Hi Bill,

Here's a little (3 mm) Trapania that we saw once last spring. It was trying hard to stay on that coral in a surgy current.

On one of the photos there are some spots -- could it be T. aureopunctata?

Locality: Eilat, Malibu Beach, 3 m, Israel, Red Sea (Gulf of Eilat), 4 May 2007, sandy flat with occasional corals. Length: 3 mm. Photographer: Binyamin and Shulamit Koretz.

all the best

Koretz, B., 2008 (Feb 4) Trapania sp. from the Red Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Binyamin,

There seem to be a lot of undescribed species of Trapania still to be named. I guess its is possibly T. aureopunctata but I suspect that is a southern temperate species since we only know it so far from the southern parts of Australia. I will call it Trapania sp. 13.

Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2008 (Feb 4). Comment on Trapania sp. from the Red Sea by Binyamin Koretz. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from