Phyllidiopsis krempfi from Mayotte
December 17, 2003
From: Marina Poddubetskaia

Dear Bill,
Could you confirm that this phyllidiid is Phyllidiopsis krempfi, please? I found it without moving on this nice sponge. So, it could be its potential food. I took the close-up of its rhinophores in the tank and it's incredible how different the animal colour can be, depending on the used light.
Date: November 04, 2003
Location: Mayotte Island, France, Indian Ocean
Site: Passe en S, buoy n° 8bis
Depth: 21m
Size: 35mm

Thanks Marina
I am pretty sure this is Phyllidiopsis krempfi. The general colour and tubercle arrangment fits, as does the colour on the rhinophores with the black being restricted to the posterior edge. It's good to get a photo of the ventral surface. I have included an inset of some of the blackish gills. I've also included a close-up alongside, of part of the sponge. I guess you would have noticed if it was actually feeding when you moved it so all we can do it keep a nte of it and see if we find this species associated with the same sponge in the future
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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