Phyllidiopsis krempfi? from Sulawesi
February 16, 2000
From: Lindsay Warren

Dear Bill
Please find attached a shot of what I think might be a Phyllidiopsis krempfi which I found on 17 September 1999 at a depth of 86 ft on dead coral and fine algae on patch reef surrounded by sand at the bottom of a wall. L: 36 mm. Tukang Besi, SE Sulawesi, Indonesia. [Operation Wallacea]
The white capped pustules have a second layer of smaller pustules on them. The retractile lamellate rhinophores have translucent white front edge and base while the back and tip are black. Overall background mantle colour is pale pink. Photo: Lindsay Warren.
I have looked through Brunckhorst's work since coming back and only realised then the importance of noting details of foot and gill colours / markings. If only I had known beforehand!
All the best
Lindsay Warren
Warren, L., 2000 (Feb 16) Phyllidiopsis krempfi? from Sulawesi. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Lindsay,
Yes I think this is probably a dark form of P. krempfi.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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