Phyllidiopsis krempfi from the Philippines
November 26, 2009
From: Mirjam Broos

Dear Bill,
I was quite surprised to find out that there are only a few messages on your site according Phyllidiopsis pipeki. I think we have found it quite a few times but maybe I'm wrong and is this another kind of slug?
Locality: Cabilao, South Point, Philippines, 10 april 2008. Photographer: Geert Prast.
best regards

Dear Mirjam,
This is Phyllidiopsis krempfi. The multicompound tubercles with white tips are quite characteristic and as you will see on the Fact Sheet, separate it from P. pipeki and P. fissuratus, the two other species with similarly coloured rhinophores.
In the left close-up photo we can see the anus very clearly. Perhaps not the most attractive feature to highlight, but its presence here in the dorsal midline near the posterior end, links these animals, which have lost the typical dorid dorsal circlet of gills, to other dorids. In most dorids the anus is hard to see because it is obscured by a circlet of gills which surround it.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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