Armina magna? from Port Stephens, N.S.W [2].
March 15, 2010
From: Leanne and David Atkinson

Concerning message #23267:
Hi Bill,
Part two.
Following our earlier message [#23328] here are some more photos of what Neville Coleman is calling Armina magna. We have included a photo of the underside of one from a previous dive to help with identification. One of the photos shows a small Dermatobranchus on the same Sea Pen skeleton as they also enjoy feeding on them. It gives a great size comparison.
Locality: The Pipeline, Nelson Bay, Port Stephens, 8metres, New South Wales, Australia, Pacific Ocean, 11 December 2009, Sandy silty bottom with sea pens, sponges, ascidians, gorgonias, soft corals, hydroids and seaweed.. Length: 120mm approximately. Photographer: Leanne and David Atkinson.
Hope these are of interest.
Yours sincerely,
Leanne & David Atkinson

Thanks Leanne and David,
Strange things seem to be happening in Port Stephens with an Armina feeding on a soft coral colony [message #4] and now a Dermatobranchus feeding on a sea pen. I don't suppose the small animal is a juvenile Armina?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Related messages
Armina magna? from Port Stephens, N.S.W. [1]
From: Leanne and David Atkinson, March 15, 2010