Phyllidiopsis krempfi? from Philippines
June 17, 2000
From: Erwin Koehler

Dear Bill,
I think this a variant of Phyllidiopsis pipeki. It is from the Philippines, Cebu Is., divesite "Loos 2", March 2000, depth 19 m, size approx. 5 cm.
This photo is by Fred Vogt.
Koehler, E., 2000 (Jun 17) Phyllidiopsis krempfi? from Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Erwin,
There are two species it resembles, Phyllidiopsis pipeki and Phyllidiopsis krempfi. It differs from both in being a grey-blue rather than pink but maybe this is similar to the green/pink colour change in Phyllidiella pustulosa.
In Brunckhorst's review he specifically separates P. krempfi and P. pipeki on the nature of the black lines on the mantle. "P. pipeki .... consistently has two straight black lateral lines (but no others as in the present species)...". P. krempfi also can have some black spots and short black rays extending to the mantle edge as in this photo.
On balance I think this is a grey colour form of P. krempfi. Have a look at some of Clay Bryce's photos from Western Australia showing what I think is colour variation in this species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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