A mystery phyllidiid from Indonesia
January 2, 2001
From: Yasman

Dear Bill,
I am confused about this species. I have two specimens. One has separated oral tentacle which is typical Phyllidia or Phyllidiella but the other has unseparated oral tentacle which is typical of the genus Phyllidiopsis. From external morphology, it looks like Phyllidiopsis fissuratus which I have already sent you a message and photo. But its black background color is more dominant. It has a black line forming a circle in the middle of notum, which joins with a line anteriorly and posteriorly. It lacks the line which extends perpendicularly to mantle margin as can be found in Phyllidiopsis fissuratus. What do you think?
Best regards,
Yasman, 2001 (Jan 2) A mystery phyllidiid from Indonesia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/3346Dear Yasman,
Sometimes a photo is not enough. I suspect the photo is of Phyllidiopsis krempfi and the other animal with non-fused oral tentacles is Phyllidiella pustulosa, but that is just a guess as I haven't seen the specimens. As I said in your earlier message, I think the species you identify as P. fissuratus is probably P. krempfi.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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