Phyllidiopsis krempfi from Fiji
February 1, 2001
From: Mary Jane Adams

Hi Bill,
I found this nudibranch on a coral reef in northeastern Vitu Levu, Fiji in May, 1997. It was 44 mm long. I did not record the depth. My best guess is Phyllidiopsis fissuratus. I can't see the typical long anal papilla in the photo though. What do you think?
Mary Jane
Adams, M.J., 2001 (Feb 1) Phyllidiopsis krempfi from Fiji. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Mary Jane,
I think this is Phyllidiopsis krempfi. Phyllidiopsis fissuratus and Phyllidiopsis krempfi are very similar in colour and shape but in P. fissuratus the tubercles are packed closely together, are uniformly pink all over, and the mantle is black. another feature I can check in your photo is the rhinophores, which in P. fissuratus are pink with a black posterior line.
In your photo the tubercles are not closely packed, their tips are a much paler pink and the mantle is pink with black lines, some of which are very short - all characters of P. krempfi. Another feature is the colour of the rhinophores which is pink, with a black tip and black posterior band down the club and stalk.
It is sometimes difficult in photos to be sure, because there are characters we can't check, but I am pretty sure this is P. krempfi.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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